Downloading PDF documents
Download catalog as PDF
Our current product catalog is available for download here. It contains extensive information on our wide range of aeration tools for various manufacturers.
Simply click on the graphic and view our PDF catalog directly online or download the catalog by clicking on the button below. You will need Adobe Reader to open the catalog. It can be downloaded free of charge here.
Files and programs are downloaded at your own risk. We shall not be liable for damages arising from the installation and/or use of files or software from the download area.

Download order form as PDF
Our order form is available for download here. As well as the classic method of printing out the form and then filling it in by hand, we also offer you the option to fill in the form directly on your computer. You can then print out your order or simply send it via e-mail. You will need Adobe Reader to open the catalog. It can be downloaded free of charge here.
Files and programs are downloaded at your own risk. We shall not be liable for damages arising from the installation and/or use of files or software from the download area.

Are you curious, do you have further questions or would you like a no-obligation quotation?
No problem! Feel free to send us a short e-mail to or simply click on the button below and use our contact form directly. We look forward to your message and will do our best to process your request as soon as possible.